Assessment is an integral part of our development as teachers and mentors, and it can also track the impact of curricular changes, and improve our courses and the experiences of our students. Since there is not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to assessment, this New Faculty Orientation (NFO) session involved faculty from different divisions and career stages presenting their assessment approaches. Several strategies and tools were presented, including the IDEA course evaluation tool. Click here for a recording of the event (Muhlenberg only).
This helpful article from the Chronicle of Higher Education discusses assessment during a pandemic.
IDEA Course Evaluation Resources
Training Session for IDEA Course Evaluations
Powerpoint slides for IDEA training session
Video on Selecting Learning Objectives in IDEA (Muhlenberg only)
Video on Selecting Learning Objectives in IDEA (from Campus Labs/IDEA)
Handout on Selecting Learning Objectives in IDEA